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Summer Camp with Saeki Sensei

Once again, Kita Kaze was one of the best represented clubs at the 10th annual ShotoCanada Summer Camp. This year was very special for two reasons. First, Saeki Minoru, chief instructor of the Ottawa JKA taught at camp. Sensei is incredibly knowledgeable and still moves so quickly and smoothly he is a pleasure to watch.

Even more importantly, our own Judy Boyko attained her sandan after many years of dedicated practice and a very intense few months of training up for this test. Her training included almost daily interval training on the Black Street Stairs, being in the dojo five days a week, and getting slammed around (literally) by Sempai Gordon in preparation for her exam. In her test, she showed solid basics and kata and had a very realistic self-defense session with a non-compliant partner. We think she set a new standard for that portion of the exam and future gradings will be based on how tough this one was.

Congratulations as well to Austin Au who achieved nikyu with a very good performance.

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